graphic with a microphone  that says "Carrollton Public Schools Open Forum March 13, 2025, 3:15 - 4:45pm or 5:30-7pm Child care & a meal will be provided for attendees! Space is limited - please RSVP at MS cafeteria 3211 Carla Dr., Saginaw Questions? Call 989-399-8879 or email

Got ideas or burning questions for Carrollton Public Schools? Don’t miss the Community Forum on March 13, 2025!

Choose from two sessions: 3:15-4:45pm or 5:30-7pm. It’s totally FREE and open to parents/guardians and all Carrollton community members!

Plus, enjoy a free meal and child care while you’re there. Just RSVP at

We’ll be hanging out in the Carrollton Middle School cafeteria, 3211 Carla Dr., Saginaw.

Call at 989-399-8879 or email with any questions about the forum.