August 1, 2022
Dear Carrollton Cavalier Families,
Summer Greetings from the Central Office!
I hope this letter finds you healthy, enjoying summer, and preparing for what is sure to be an amazing year in Carrollton Public Schools!
I would like to take this time to welcome myself officially to each of you as your Superintendent effective July 1, 2022. I could not be more honored and humbled to have this opportunity. My first weeks in the office have been very busy as I am settling into my new role. I have been afforded many learning opportunities and I look forward to developing my skills to better serve the Carrollton community. I truly believe there is a bright future ahead for the students, staff, families, and community of Carrollton Public Schools!
Over the past 17 years, Carrollton has become a second home for me, serving as the middle school principal for nine years, an alternative high school principal for eight years, and district leader for 17 years. I look forward to working with our dedicated Board of Education, administrators, teachers, and support staff in my new role as we continue to follow our District’s mission to challenge students to excel with dedicated staff in a safe and nurturing learning environment. Inspiring each student and staff member to succeed every day ultimately improves student achievement, staff professional growth, family engagement, and community involvement. Each area will continue to be an intentional focus during my tenure.
It is my goal to meet with as many school, town, and community representatives over the next few months to gain a deeper understanding of the district and community. This is important to me in order to fully understand and become integrated into the community. If you see me please feel free to say hello and introduce yourself. I welcome that!
As we begin preparing for the new school year, we embrace many changes: a new Superintendent, new principals, the addition of full-time assistant principals in every building, and new support staff such as a social worker and Dean of Students. This new face of Carrollton Leadership is sure to bring fresh ideas and positive energy, but I also understand change can be a scary thing. I want all students and families to know we remain committed to a safe and nurturing learning environment for every student. Carrollton remains a safe place to work, learn, and grow. The changes are positive moves for our district. Personally, I am excited about all of the possibilities for new greatness in Carrollton and I think you will feel the same over the course of the school year.
I hope you have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the remainder of your summer. I look forward to serving as the Superintendent of Carrollton Public Schools. I remain grateful for the opportunity. Below please find a link to my resume. Click here.
With Cavalier Pride,
Tiffany L. Peterson, Ed.S.
Chief Bridge Builder and Superintendent