April month awareness

Dear Cavalier Community,

Welcome Back!  I hope your Spring Break was awesome and filled with many amazing memories made on purpose.

It is hard to believe April is here and we are in the final quarter of the 2022-2023 school year. Time really does fly when you are having fun, working with the best students, staff, and families in Saginaw County!  Now, as we enter the homestretch, the focus will be on a strong finish for every Cavalier.  We believe the keys to that are staying focused, attending school regularly, and giving the best effort every day.

April is state testing month where students all across Michigan will take one or all of the following assessments (MSTEP, PSAT, SAT, or WorkKeys).  In addition, April is also when our students take their final NWEA assessment for the school year. Families may expect a schedule of testing days and times from each building principal. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s rest, eats breakfast, and gives their best effort every day, but particularly during testing.  This helps to ensure every student puts academics first and our school district remains in good standing. Assessment for continuous improvement in learning and instruction continues to matter in Carrollton. We are looking forward to seeing how much our Cavaliers have learned this school year! 

In addition to testing dates, please mark your calendar for these important moments happening in Cavalier Country this month:

4/3, 4/4, 4/5 - CMS STEM Bus experience for 6th and 7th graders 

4/5 - Kindergarten and Young 5’s Registration @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

4/15, 4/16 - CES and CMS play Jungle Book @ 6:00 pm Saturday and 3:00 pm Sunday

4/21 - CHS College Signing Day and Senior to Senior Day 

4/29 - CHS Prom

We will also celebrate April as Autism Acceptance Month. Stay tuned for more information from the building level about how you can help your student learn about autism and accepting differences.

Providing the best outcomes possible for students and their families continues to be my mission. Carrollton’s outstanding educators and I aim to change the trajectory of the lives of every student with a quality and well-rounded Carrollton Public Schools education.  We value your partnership and understand that parents and guardians want nothing but the best for their children.  I remain humbled to serve as the vessel to ensure that goal is reached for every Cavalier.  

As always, feel free to reach out to me as I would love to hear from you.  I can be reached via email (tpeterson@gocavs.net), by phone (989) 754-1475, or if you wish to meet in person, please contact my Executive Assistant, Teresa Aiken, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your continued support of our school district and thank you for choosing Carrollton Public Schools for your child’s education. 

With Cavalier Pride,

Tiffany L. Peterson, Ed.S.

Chief Bridge Builder and Superintendent

Carrollton Public Schools