Community Connection Newspaper
Our district newspaper is sent to all Carrollton residences and to all School of Choice families. Additionally, we send a substantial number to leaders in Saginaw County. Over the years, we have received many favorable comments from our readers. They love seeing their children in the paper and enjoy human interest stories. The Connection is a perfect opportunity to communicate school information to the community.
We believe that all employees and students in the district are potential contributors to the Connection.
Check out our latest edition here!
Past editions
Article deadlines and mail dates for the 2024-25 School Year:
Deadline Mail Date
January 10 January 31
March 14 April 4
June 6 June 27
Here’s how to submit an article and photo:
Write your story in Microsoft Word, if possible. Send it as an e-mail attachment to Lindsay Bryce ( and Alyssa Bierlein ( *PLEASE NO GOOGLE DOCS. THANK YOU!
Please submit at least two photos along with your submission and send them as an attachment and NOT embedded into the document containing your submission. Captions and photos are AWESOME! Having so many gives us lots to choose from! * A high-quality photo works best!
Important: Please spell all names correctly of everyone in the photo, usually from left to right. We also need a caption that tells us what is happening in the photo.
Before sending, ask yourself if you have answered the Five W’s: who, what, where, when, why?
Thank you for your contribution to our district newspaper!
We appreciate working with each of you!